Looking after our Health & Wellbeing

What do cars, computers and humans have in common?

None of them will run at their best without some sort of care and maintenance – a trip to the mechanics, the latest software updates, a chat about your mental health.

AFMH is very excited to roll out a new Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to help our employees ‘run at their best’. Our new partnership with Regional Care Connect will provide an invaluable service for employees, enhancing emotional, mental and psychological wellbeing.

The team from Regional Care Connect has been travelling around each of our sites with our People & Culture team, meeting our employees and giving us all a helpful reminder of how we can look after our mental health and put strategies in place for a little ‘self-care’.

Why does AFMH value having an EAP?

At AFMH, we recognise that life isn’t always smooth sailing, and at times, personal or work-related issues might arise that impact wellbeing, performance, safety, morale and mental health.

We value our employees and want to provide support if, and when, these situations arise. Using an EAP means that our employees and their immediate family can access free and confidential counselling and support, whether it be for a general maintenance check or working through a crisis.

The benefits to AFMH as a business are that we have a healthier, happier and more productive workforce.

The benefits to our employees are that they can get individualised support for work or personal issues, to help them get back to thriving in life.

AFMH is looking forward to growing a strong partnership with Regional Care Connect, helping our employees ‘run at their best’ and providing them with effective tools as a support through life’s challenges.